PS Vita Theme - VA-11 HALL-A Theme 2



Theme for the Sony PS Vita, based on the game VA-11 HALL-A and on a theme made by Sukeban-games. Originally released 2019-02-13 on Reddit's /r/Waifubartending.


VA-11 HALL-A Theme 2

by Jonne 'JohnEdwa' Kuusela
Based on the original theme by Sukeban Games :

Full credit where credit is due, the only work I did was putting this theme together.
All assets are ©2069 Sukeban Games ;)

...well, I did do the 'Power' icon, so ha! That's mine!


Icons: From the original theme.
Wallpapers: Edited from game assets.
Other Icons: Edited from game assets.
Music: 'Safe Haven' loop by Garoad. (Jill's home theme)